TTT#12 All About Books You Read Because of Recommendation


Top Ten Tuesday is an original weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. I’ll try to participate every week in their list making frenzy =]


Okay guys and gals, I’m sorry for this week…. This will be my Top Ten Thursday, since I’ve been very busy and not feeling super… Been a bit so-so, with my back, shoulders and neck muscles feeling stiff like bricks… Which results in me having headaches for the better part of my days, until I take Advil which is a miraculous thingy – luckily [they are the only thing working for me on headaches and migraines]. So I’ve got a lot of catching up to do this week… I will post this today and hopefully I get to do more work tomorrow =]

So, books I’ve read because of recommendation… hmm, tough question for me, as I’m the biggest book nerd in my network hahaha.. Had to think hard on this….

Kass Morgan – The 100 was recommended by my borfriend since he loves to watch the tv series. I really liked it and I got the first book in hardcover signed a few weeks ago when I was lucky to meet her and Laure Eve [read all about that meeting here]

Naomi Novik – The Temeraire series was also recommended to me by my boyfriend. Only read the first book yet, because it’s a pretty tough read and since my focus is like everywhere I get distracted too much to focus on it now…. Will continue reading the series when my focus gets better and I’m alone at home haha… Got the first 8 paperbacks, since the last installment was released not long ago!!

Cassandra Clare’s books I haven’t read yet. Because: I want to read them in the right order and I would have to stop after reading three books… As I’m still missing Clockwork Angel, Clockwork Princess, Lady Midnight and all [except the Little Book of Quotes] of the extra books like Tales from the Shadowhunters Academy, Shadowhunters and Downworlders, The Shadowhunter’s Codex, and The Bane Chronicles. And if you’re like me and want to have everything in the same edition and size you gotta search hard and save a lot of money hahaha..

Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight Series is one I read because of recommendation. Back in the days of my first boyfriend, his younger sister took me to see New Moon on the big screen. I never had any interest in the series before. So after seeing movie number 2, I started reading the series and watching the movies in the right order!!


Right now, I can’t think of any more books reccomended to me. Most of the time I recommend all books to other people =] Someone has to do it hahaha



In case you’ve missed these:

XoXo Felicia.

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